Factors Many Overlook When Choosing a Criminal Defense Attorney in Portland, OR

by | Aug 21, 2019 | Attorney


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When you have been charged with a crime, time is of the essence. You need someone working on your case immediately to ensure witnesses don’t disappear, evidence remains easily accessible, and you have someone to assist you in securing your release so you can help in the preparation of your defence. Many, when they find they need legal help, turn to a criminal defence Attorney in Portland, OR. The criminal defence attorney helps those who have been charged with drug crimes, domestic violence, DUI, sex crimes, and more.

Attorneys love to advertise on television, radio, and the Internet, and many base their choice of criminal defense attorney in Portland, OR on these ads. This can be a mistake as the advertising tells you very little about the attorney’s experience or track record in court. He or she many claims they have won hundreds of cases, but if they’ve actually handled thousands, this might not be a great track record. Research is essential when choosing an attorney so never base your choice on a great logo, an ad you have seen, or the recommendation of a friend. Although this is a great way to get the names of some attorneys, you still have to do your homework before you actually hire a firm.

Visit the attorney’s office to sit down and discuss your case. Many will tell you to choose an attorney you feel comfortable with, and you may connect with a lawyer during a phone consultation. It’s great if you feel comfortable with him or her, but you need to do more. Although the attorney will be the one actually appearing in court with you or on your behalf, you need to meet with other staff members to see if you feel comfortable with them, as you will likely have contact with them on a regular basis.

Many choose The Law Office of Andrew M. Kohlmetz LLC when they find they are in need of legal representation. This top-rated Portland, OR attorney will be more than happy to discuss your case and will keep it completely confidential at all times. You need honest advice at this time and will receive nothing less when speaking to Andrew M. Kohlmetz. Don’t delay as the sooner you begin preparing your case, the sooner you can appear in court and get the matter resolved.

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