Symptoms and Treatments for Migraine Headaches in Pittsburgh, PA

by | Jan 29, 2024 | Chiropractic


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Migraine headaches can be so debilitating that they disrupt a person’s day-to-day activities. While some migraine symptoms are similar to those of regular tension headaches, others are very different. Here are some common symptoms of migraines and some effective headache treatments in Pittsburgh, PA that you should know about.

Migraine Symptoms

Migraine symptoms are more common in women and are often experienced before or during the menstrual period. They are thought to be hormonal and may result from fluctuating estrogen levels. Common symptoms include throbbing pain, usually on one side of your head but sometimes on both sides, light sensitivity, nausea, and vomiting. Some people experience an aura before the onset of pain, which may include seeing flashes of light in their field of vision. In addition to light sensitivity, you may also experience sound and touch sensitivity during your migraine episode.

Migraine Treatment Options

While prescription medications such as sumatriptan are typically effective for migraine headaches, they are not appropriate for everyone. If you are unable to take prescription migraine medications, other effective headache treatments in Pittsburgh, PA include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, also called NSAIDs, and hot or cold compresses. Applying cold compresses to your head and neck helps numb migraine pain, while hot compresses help relax your muscles. Resting in a dark and quiet room can also help minimize your symptoms, as can avoiding trigger foods such as dark chocolate and aged cheeses. Caffeine is often recommended to relieve migraine pain because of its effect on dilated blood vessels; however, for some people, it is a trigger.

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