Before A Roof Installation In Nassau County NY Choose The Best Material

by | Jun 20, 2018 | Roofing


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If a person is installing a new roof on their home, whether they are replacing their old roof or if they are installing a roof on a newly constructed home, they are going to need to hire a licensed roofer. Before the homeowner chooses a roofer, they should decide what material they are going to use on the roof. There are some roofers who specialize in certain roofing materials while another roofer may not. Before a roof installation in Nassau County NY, the homeowner should consider the materials available.

Asphalt Shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most commonly used roofing material. This is because it is one of the least expensive options available. Asphalt shingles are also easy to install. This is why most roofing companies handle asphalt shingle roofing installations. The average lifespan of asphalt shingles is between 15 and 25 years.

Wood Roofing

People have been using wood on their roofs for centuries. People still use wood today, however, in certain areas, the fire codes forbid homeowner’s to use it. Like asphalt shingles, wood roofs can last up to 25 years. However, a wood roof costs twice as much as an asphalt roof.

Metal Roofing

For years, metal roofing was used only on commercial buildings. Today, it is being used more often by homeowners. Metal roofs are great because they can last up to 70 years. Also, homeowners who install a metal roof on their homes can save up to 40 percent on their energy costs. Finally, metal is fire resistant. Therefore, if a fire were to break out, it wouldn’t consume the roof which is how most fires destroy homes.

Slate Roofing

Slate roofs are great because they can last anywhere from 75 years to 200 years. While the life expectancy is great, there is a downside to slate roofing. Not only is the material expensive, but it is also very heavy. The weight of the slate can increase the cost of the installation.

Before a homeowner hires a professional in roof installation in Nassau County NY, they should decide what type of roof they are going to have installed. When this decision is made, they can find a roofer who specializes in their chosen material. For more information, contact us.

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