Discover the Most Common Dental Issues for Kids Dental in Oahu, HI

by | May 11, 2018 | Dentist


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As children grow, they go through a lot of changes. This includes changes in their teeth and their oral hygiene needs. Understanding the most common dental issues for kids can help parents ensure that their children develop healthy, beautiful smiles.

Tooth Decay and Gum Disease

Tooth decay is the most common kids dental issue that children face, particularly children ages six to 11. The enamel on the teeth can wear away, increasing the threat of cavities. Tooth decay is a problem for both baby teeth and permanent teeth.

Schedule a dental exam with KidShine Pediatric Dental Group. Dentists can clean your child’s teeth and detect any signs of tooth decay.

Regular visits to a dentist for kids dental in Oahu, HI can also help prevent gum disease. The teeth-cleaning process includes the removal of plaque and tartar that increase the risk of gingivitis.

If you want to encourage proper kids dental health, make sure that your child brushes twice per day. You should give him or her a toothpaste containing fluoride. Regularly flossing also helps remove food debris and prevent the spread of tooth decay.

Teeth Grinding and Thumb Sucking

Grinding teeth and thumb sucking are two kids dental issues that can lead to problems later in life. Most children that engage in these behaviors eventually stop as they grow older. However, if your child continues to grind his or her teeth or suck his or her thumb, he or she may develop dental issues. These include tooth pain, jaw pain, and headaches.

Night guards and other devices may help prevent teeth grinding until the behavior stops. Thumb sucking is more difficult to treat and may require more regular visits to the dentist to keep an eye on the health of the teeth.

Every parent wants what is best for his or her child. To protect the health of your child, talk to your dentist about other common dental issues and how to prevent them. You can also also connect them on Facebook.

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