Frequently Asked Questions About Water Analysis In Ocala FL

by | Oct 2, 2015 | Business


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If you’re concerned about the quality of water in your home, contact a professional company that specializes in Water Analysis in Ocala FL. These experts will test your water and give you a detailed report about their findings. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about the importance of testing the drinking water in your home.

Q.) What is a water analysis and why it is important?

A.) If you have hard water in your home, your water contains an abundance of magnesium and calcium. There are various negative impacts of having too many of these minerals in your water. These include water pipe damage, soap residue on your skin and discoloration of clothing. As these hard deposits run through your plumbing system, they attach to the sides of your water pipes and cause scale buildup. This reduces water flow and it can damage the pipes. When you take a shower, hard water can’t properly rinse the soap off your skin. When you wash your clothes in hard water, the minerals cause your clothes to turn a dingy gray color.

Q.) How does a qualified technician perform a water test?

A.) When an experienced water technician performs a Water Analysis in Ocala FL, the professional will take a sample of your drinking water. During the analysis, your water is tested for the amount of hardness, the pH balance, the presence of nitrates and the total iron levels. After the analysis is finished, the technician will explain the test results and recommend a solution based on the results of the test.

Q.) What is a recommended solution for people who have hard water?

A.) Water Softeners condition hard water by taking out the minerals. As the hard water flows through a tank, sodium ions replace the minerals to soften the water. Homeowners can have a water softening system that works as the water flows out of the well or one that attaches to the faucet to soften the water as it runs out of the tap.

Eco Water Systems specializes in water analysis, water conditioning and water softeners. Visit their website to learn more about the importance of having quality drinking water in your home and to schedule a free water test.

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