How to Pick the Top Eye Drops for Cataract Surgery

by | Mar 16, 2016 | Health


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Cataract Surgery in Monterey includes a common outpatient eye surgery which is most often times conducted on people of advanced age, yet might be necessary for anybody with impaired vision because of clouding of the eye’s lens. Individuals need to utilize eye drops for cataract surgery. Antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops are standard, yet the frequency and type of use varies depending upon the individual.

Anybody who ever has had cataract surgery attests to the truth that eye drops are a regular aspect of the procedure, both after and before treatment. The physician doing the surgery directs individuals on the usage of eye drops for cataract surgery and directions must be precisely followed. In almost all instances, prescription eye drops are involved. There might be cases in which OTC eye drops are advised for allergy or dryness, yet a prescription is needed for antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops.

Select a brand

Selecting eye drops for Cataract Surgery in Monterey isn’t usually left up to a patient; however, in the event an over-the-counter drop is needed, a patient might face the necessity of picking the ideal brand. If your physician advises a certain brand, you always can compare cheaper, similar store brands if they’re available, yet make certain the active ingredient will be identical in concentration and name. If you’re concerned about price, ask the physician if a store brand equivalent will be acceptable.

As it’ll come to prescription eye drops, the surgeon supplies you with instructions and a written script. Patients worried about prescription drug insurance and price always can ask in advance what drops are prescribed after and before surgery and compare and research prices at pharmacies in your area. If price is an issue as occasionally might happen with tier 3 drugs or certain name brands, ask the doctor if an appropriate generic replacement is available. Also, you might ask if the doctor is able to provide samples.

Follow instructions

Selecting the kinds of eye drops used for Cataract Surgery in Monterey isn’t the only responsibility of a patient, yet following the directions for use is. If you discover yourself not able to self-administer drops, search for an eye drop dispenser that’s a simplistic medical device which helps the process. Oftentimes, you may locate these at bigger pharmacies and via Internet medical supply retailers. Also, you may check with the eye doctor.

Selecting the kinds of eye drops used for Cataract Surgery in Monterey isn’t the only responsibility of a patient. For more information on our Cataract Surgery in Monterey, contact Monterey Bay Eye Center today at 831.372.1500.

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