Interesting Facts about Residential Heating Oil in Norwich

by | May 10, 2018 | Oil and Gas


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As you probably already know, Connecticut’s winter months are known for their sub-zero temperatures, multiple feet of snow, and chilling winds, which is why our in-home heating implements play such an integral role in today’s day and age.

So if you’d like to learn more about heating oil in Norwich, you’ve come to the right place. This brief article will highlight some of the most integral facts and figures you need to know.

It Is Made From Crude Oil

In its simplest sense, heating oil is a petroleum product that is created by refining and modifying crude oil. The final product can be likened to kerosene, but heating fuels are condensed at much higher temperatures during the production process.

It’s Much Cleaner than it Used to Be

Contrary to popular belief, modern heating oil is actually very eco-friendly and sustainable:

  • Today’s heating fuels are roughly 94% cleaner than those produced during the 1970s.
  • The internal sulfur content has decreased by 90% since 1988.
  • Modernized heating implements do not produce any soot, grime, or rancid smells.
  • Households now use approximately 26% less oil than they did in 1990.

As such, it’s easy to see that these fuels can heat any type of property faster and more efficiently than any other contemporary solution.

It’s Heavily Used in the American Northeast

Upwards of 19 million households rely on heating oil to provide warm water and comfort control, and this figure is expected to surpass 21 million by the year 2022. However, it’s worth noting that the vast majority of these families live in areas that aren’t directly connected to municipal gas lines, which highlights the importance of today’s suppliers and delivery teams.

Your Local Oil Company Can Provide a Comprehensive Suite of Services

If you take a moment to check our website, you’ll be able to schedule cost-effective refills, repairs, cleaning tasks, and even system upgrades with just a few clicks of your mouse. So be sure to visit the webpage and check out those services as soon as possible.

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