Removing Mildew Stains From Siding In Indianapolis

by | Mar 9, 2017 | Home Improvement, Siding


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If vinyl siding is exposed to moisture for prolonged lengths of time, mildew stains may become evident. Siding can be cleaned by completing the following directions. Once a home’s exterior has been treated, basic maintenance steps will preserve the appearance of siding pieces and prevent them from becoming damaged.


  • drop cloths
  • oxygenated bleach
  • mild detergent
  • water hose
  • garden sprayer
  • long handled scrub brush
  • handheld scrub brush
  • pruning shears
  • garden gloves
  • ladder

Preparing A Cleaning Solution And Removing Mildew Streaks

Grass and foliage growing next to a home can be covered with drop cloths so that they are not exposed to a cleaning solution. Equal amounts of oxygenated bleach, mild detergent, and water should be added to a garden sprayer’s tank. The three components can be blended by turning on a sprayer’s agitator for a minute or two. A liberal amount of the cleaning solution should be applied to mildew stains.

After a few minutes have passed, the stains will loosen, and a long-handled scrub brush can be moved briskly back and forth over each affected area. If stains are present in hard to reach places, a handheld scrub brush should be used to clean each spot. Clean Siding in Indianapolis can be rinsed off with a water hose or pressure washer adjusted to a minimal pressure setting.

Pruning Trees And Shrubs And Maintaining Siding

If trees and shrubs are growing next to a home, pruning branches will prevent them from coming into contact with siding and damaging or staining vinyl. A pair of work gloves should be worn while trimming branches. A ladder may need to be used if branches aren’t within reach. Rinsing siding with a water hose on occasion will prevent many stains. Siding should be treated on dry, sunny days, so siding pieces that are sprayed with water will not remain damp for extended lengths of time.

Amos Exteriors Inc or another company that installs and repairs Siding in Indianapolis can assist with projects in a residential or commercial setting. A siding specialist will provide an estimate and information about materials needed to restore the appearance of a structure’s exterior.

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