What To Expect From Cosmetic Dental Services

by | May 17, 2016 | Cosmetic Dentists


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Local residents visit dentists to maintain the health of their teeth and gums. However, a local dentist could provide services to enhance the appearance of the smile. With Cosmetic Dental services, dentists provide enhancements to correct the smile and boost the patient’s self-esteem.

Teeth Whitening Services

Teeth whitening services eliminate stubborn stains on tooth enamel. The dentist applies a professional-grade peroxide solution to each tooth. Next, they apply the rays of an ultraviolet light to maximize the results of the treatment. The services are performed in one dental visit. A barrier to applies around the gums to prevent irritation.

The Installation of Veneers

Veneers are installed over the exterior of tooth enamel. They are used to correct severe discoloration due to the aging process. They are also used to correct slight alignment issues. The dentist reshapes the tooth with these devices. This is beneficial for teeth that aren’t proportionate.

Replacing Teeth with Dental Implants

Dental implants are a better alternative to dentures. These implants are installed permanently. The dentist installs a titanium root into the tooth socket and secures it into the jawbone. Next, they connect and secure the implant tooth with an abutment to the root. These devices are long-lasting and give the patient the same benefits as their natural teeth. They speak and chew more effectively than they could with dentures.

Correcting Damage with Crowns

A crown is a replica of the natural tooth. The dentist grinds the tooth into a cone shape for a proper fit. The dentist places the crown over the tooth and secures it with an abutment and professional-grade adhesives.

The crown protects the repairs and prevents further damage. They are used for single teeth, to secure permanent bridges, and after root canal surgery to seal off the tooth. These products are long-lasting and replaceable if they become damaged.

Local residents acquire cosmetic treatments to improve the look of their teeth. These services eliminate stubborn stains, correct simple alignment issues, and replace missing teeth. The dentist provides opportunities to acquire these services for all dental patients. Local residents who need to acquire Cosmetic Dental should visit website to schedule an appointment today. You can join us at Linkedin.

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