4 Signs You Need Help from a Website Design Expert in Atlanta, GA

by | Sep 9, 2024 | World Best Web Linkz


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Website issues could be why your pages have such a high bounce rate. If you wonder what’s wrong, here’s a list of common mistakes that could be getting in the way of your success.

Access Issues

There are four things that could be wrong with your site: poor color contrast that makes it harder to perceive or read the texts; missing or inappropriate alt texts for images, which is a lost opportunity to draw in more of your audience; insufficient visual indicators so the audience is lost and confused about the next step or where they should go next; and lastly, overlooked names or labels, so the essential information fails to stand out. If you have any of these issues, get help from a pro. Find a website design expert in Atlanta, GA, to fix those problems.

Non-Responsive Design

Fifty-eight percent of global website traffic is from mobile users. If you still haven’t optimized your pages for mobile, you’re losing out on the opportunity to market your products/services to a big market. If you have a high bounce rate, hire a website design expert in Atlanta, GA, to fix your pages and create a responsive design for your site.

Compromised User Experience

Yes, a stylish page can draw attention, but don’t do that at the expense of clarity. The goal of every page is to connect to your audience. If you’re not doing that, if you only focus on design and graphic elements without ensuring your messaging lands with your target audience, you’re not doing anything to sell your products/services.

Unclear Navigation

Do people know where to go once they’re on your homepage? What’s the next step in the funnel? How do you encourage them to buy your products or try out your services? Do you have a CTA? Is it visible? Fix that, and you’ll see your bounce rates drop. For more information contact Infinite Creations Atlanta today.

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