Planning For Moving Day: Tips From Raleigh Local Moving Companies

by | Oct 25, 2019 | Moving


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Moving day has finally arrived, and everyone is excited and ready to get on the road to the new residence. Whether you are moving across Raleigh or outside of the city, there are some last-minute things to do before the arrival of the movers.

Often, local moving companies arrive at a home to find the family is not prepared. Taking a few minutes to make some quick checks of the property can help to streamline the moving process and prevent unnecessary stress and chaos.

Most of the local moving companies now provide information as to the specific time the movers are scheduled to arrive. Some companies provide text or tracking updates to keep customers informed. Generally, the earlier the morning the move is scheduled, the greater the likelihood the movers are on time or even a bit early.

Check all Areas of the House

Make a quick trip through the home, looking in rooms, closets, cupboards, and storage spaces for any items that may have been overlooked. Be sure to check in dishwashers, the fridge, washer and dryer, and any other appliances that may be left as part of the property.

Shut Off Water, Electricity, and Utilities

Scheduling the shut off of water, electricity or other utilities should have been completed in the past weeks. Most local moving companies in the Raleigh provide handy checklists and schedules to complete these tasks. Check to make sure all utilities have been contacted and make sure there is nothing left on in the home or outside.

Confine Pets and Have Something for Kids to Do

Pets and kids are often very excited on moving day. As doors are typically left open during the process, having both kids and pets is a safe, secure area of the home is important.

Pets should be confined to crates or kennels, or put in a room with the door clearly labeled. Additionally, they can be put in the yard if it is secured to prevent them from getting out during the moving process.

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