If you’re considering a career in massage therapy, finding the right massage therapy school in Fairfax, VA, is essential. It can be overwhelming to choose the program. These tips will ensure you make the best choice.
Accreditation and Licensing
One of the most vital things to consider when choosing a massage therapy school is accreditation and licensing. You want to ensure the National Certification Board recognizes the program you select and meets Virginia’s licensing requirements to guarantee that the education you receive will prepare you for the licensing exam and ensure eligibility for licensure upon completion.
Curriculum and Coursework
Another critical factor to consider when selecting a massage therapy school in Fairfax, VA, is the curriculum and coursework. Look for a program covering various massage techniques, anatomy, physiology, pathology, and business practices. You want to ensure your chosen program provides a well-rounded education that prepares you for a successful career in massage therapy.
Class Size and Instructor Experience
Class size and instructor experience are essential factors when selecting a massage therapy school. Look for a program with small class sizes, allowing more personalized instruction and one-on-one time with instructors. Additionally, you want to ensure that the instructors have ample experience in the field of massage therapy and they are licensed and certified.
Hands-On Experience and Clinical Practice
One of the critical elements of massage therapy education is hands-on experience and clinical practice. Look for a program that provides ample opportunities for hands-on practice, such as clinical internships, on-campus massage clinics, and practical training to allow you to develop your skills and gain valuable experience working with clients in a supervised setting.