Auto repair shop in Sauk City, WI: 7 Warning Signs Your Brakes Are About to Fail

by | Jun 10, 2024 | Towing Service


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That squeal you hear as your rounding the corner isn’t something you should ignore – even if it’s just a slight sound. Sure, it could be dust in your brake pads. Then again, it could be more serious. Here are seven critical signs that your brakes might be about to fail.

1. Squeaking

Again, hearing a high-pitched squeal when you apply the brakes usually indicates that the brake pads are worn and need to be replaced — soon. Worn pads can lead to rotor damage, a far more problem to fix.

2. Grinding Sounds

This is a clear sign that your brake pads are worn out, causing the metal components to rub together. This is highly dangerous and can damage your rotors. Immediate attention is required!

3. Vibrations When Braking

Vibrations or ‘pulsations’ in the brake pedal or steering wheel when you brake may be a sign of warped rotors. This can occur from excessive heat and stress, often caused by prolonged braking.

4. “Spongy” or Soft Brake Pedal

Does your brake pedal feel soft or “spongy” when pressed? This might be a sign of air in the brake lines or even an issue with the brake fluid. This can significantly impact braking efficiency and needs to be checked by an auto repair shop in Sauk City, WI.

5. Longer Stopping Distances

Once again, this often indicates that your brake pads are worn or there’s an issue with the brake fluid. It’s important to have your auto repair shop in Sauk City, WI inspect your brakes as soon as possible.

6. Brake Warning Light

You should never, ever ignore the brake warning light on your dashboard. This can indicate a variety of issues, including low brake fluid or more serious system problems. Addressing this could help you avoid potential brake failure.

7. Burning Smell

If you ever smell a sharp, chemical odor after braking hard or driving downhill, then that could indicate that you have overheated brakes. This is a serious sign that your braking system is under extreme stress! In cases like this, give your brakes time to cool down, then have them inspected immediately.

Don’t let brake issues compromise your safety! Visit Precision Towing & Recovery, the top auto repair shop in Sauk City, WI. If you notice squeaking, grinding, vibrations, a spongy pedal, longer stopping distances, a brake warning light, or a burning smell, it’s time for a checkup. Our experts ensure your brakes are in top condition. Contact us today or visit

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