Comparing Gas vs Electric Water Heaters – Which Is Better?

by | Nov 10, 2015 | Solar Energy


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Being a property owner can be a whole lot of fun, and it is extremely satisfying to say the least! However, there will be times when you will need to make some important decisions as the leader of the household and beware – they aren’t very exciting. One of these decisions is choosing between gas and electric water heaters. Okay, so this topic can be mind-numbingly boring for most people, but you could actually benefit in the long-run if you make wise decisions now. Despite the fact that conventional storage water heaters are the most popular, appliances that are powered by gas and electricity are quickly catching up.
Let’s find out why families are considering them a convenient choice by comparing the both power sources, shall we?

The Environmental Impact

Even if you aren’t the most environmentally aware person on the planet, you should pay thought to the environmental impact gas and electric water heaters have on the globe before you make an investment. Gas water heaters are powered by natural gas, making them a much better alternative to electric water heaters. Electric appliances aren’t used as much in common households as gas devices are, and the reason why is simple – the energy source is domestic power. This domestic power could be anything, from nuclear power to coal power. Do set aside some time to research prior to making a decision, as you could really hurt the environment if you make an ill-informed choice!

The Life Expectancy and Price

What is the point in spending a lot of money on gas or electric water heaters if they don’t last very long? You can expect gas water heaters to set you back approximately $250-$1,500, making them a lot cheaper than electric appliances, which have an average cost of $300-$3,000. Remember though, that prices will vary depending on model, age, energy source, etc. The life expectancy of gas-powered appliances is around the same as electric-powered appliances – 13 years. Overall, gas is the more efficient option and it has a faster recovery rate, but modern electrical appliances are becoming more efficient as designs are modernising.

The Appliance Options

Now comes the least boring part of the gas and electric water heater buying process – choosing an appliance! The most common options include tankless, storage, condensing and heat pump. Condensing gas water heaters are highly efficient, whereas heat pump electric heating is a worthwhile choice if you want a heat backup option. Dealing with limited space? Choose tankless heaters, which supply hot water whenever you need it.

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