Construction Site Injuries And The Law

by | Oct 17, 2017 | Lawyers


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Construction sites are dangerous places and accidents are not unusual. Invariably, a construction site injury is the cause of medical and financial issues. Some construction injury claims are covered by workers compensation while others involve issues that warrant the hiring of a knowledgeable Chicago construction injury lawyer.

How can a construction injury lawyer help?

  • The law is difficult to understand at the best of times, with a Chicago construction injury lawyer at your side you will better understand the intricacies of filing a suit in civil court as well as help you should you need to deal with a worker’s comp claim. Your lawyer will free you from dealing with paperwork as well as the difficulties in dealing with insurance companies as you purse you claim for adequate compensation. Having a skilled lawyer is often the difference between resolving your case in your favor and losing money that you truly deserve.
  • Your lawyer will assist you to get full compensation for all your expenses included doctors care, hospital confinement, lost income and potentially, future medical expenses.

When should you hire a construction injury lawyer?

  • Like any legal matter, the sooner you engage counsel the less the chances of making mistakes that will prove costly. In all civil suits there are strict guidelines that govern when legal action can be taken, if the deadline passes with your taking action you can no longer hope to recover any costs you incurred. Even though the injury may have hospitalized you, always arrange for lawyer long before you even consider entertaining an insurance company representative. Any settlement offer made will not have your best interests in mind; this is especially true if your financial losses continue to accumulate.

If you want to file a worker’s comp claim follow your employers guidelines, if your injury can be traced back to negligence on the part of a third party hire a Chicago construction injury lawyer.

If you have been injured on the job you should consult with a seasoned Chicago construction injury lawyer. To discuss the details and background surrounding your case you are invited to contact Shea Law Group. Follow us on twitter.

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