Enjoy a Cool and Comfortable Environment With Residential Air Conditioning in Sarasota FL

by | Mar 8, 2016 | Heating and Air Conditioning


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There are a lot of reasons for an air conditioner to fail, but the most common of these is a low refrigerant level or a unit that needs to be cleaned. The latter issue can result in freezing around the coil and a possible rupture in the line when the frozen area spreads. Residential Air Conditioning in Sarasota FL can help avoid problems like this with regular maintenance on the appliance including cleaning the dirt off of the coil and scrubbing the air exchanger.

There are two basic appliances that function well for cooling a home. The first is the common HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) system and the other is the split or ductless appliance. Each of these options provides unique benefits, but they also have unique issues as well. For example, the HVAC treats the whole building, but it requires a series of air ducts to handle this task. Unfortunately, those ducts can accumulate grease, oils and pet dander that affect the quality of the treated air.

The split system does not require air ducts because the appliance uses one or more blowers for distributing the treated air. Each blower treats a specific zone, and each condensing unit can handle up to eight blowers. The benefit of this system is the ability to control the temperature in each zone, but the disadvantage, for some people, is the three-inch holes placed in the exterior walls. These holes are required for routing the conduits that carry the compressed refrigerant to the various blower units.

Replacing Residential Air Conditioning in Sarasota FL is not that difficult as long as the replacement is similar to the existing unit. However, cooling appliances have changed over the years, and more efficient models may now be available. This means that the homeowner could get a more efficient model or replace the existing system with an alternative.

Keep in mind that there are many ways to cool a building. If the typical comfort appliance doesn’t meet the needs of the family, then maybe an alternative such as the heat pump will work better. A heat pump tends to be more efficient than both of the previously mentioned appliances, and those savings could help pay for this purchase. Get more information here by discussing any requirements with an experienced AC contractor.

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