Essential Tasks With Commercial Property Lawn Maintenance

by | Aug 8, 2018 | Home and Garden


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Making the choice of a commercial landscaping company is not an easy task. It can be much more challenging when various companies provide different recommendations for services on the bid, which makes it a challenge to compare totals and options.

To make matters easier for the property owner and manager, focusing in on the essential components of commercial property lawn management should be the priority. After all, if the company is not providing the basics, all of the additional services and features will not meet those needs. Those basics include scheduled mowing, edging and care for the lawns and gardens.

Year-Round Lawn Care

When commercial property lawn management companies are bidding on a job, it will be essential to check the wording for the year-round care and services they offer. The seasonal differences will vary based on the location of the business, with southern states requiring more in the way of a full year of lawn and landscaping care than central to northern states.

The amount of care will always be greater in the spring through to fall growing season, but the fall and winter are also times to remove fallen leaves, ensuring the grounds and maintained and complete pruning, shaping and management of trees, shrubs and often for gardens.

Other Services

Depending on the type of grass, the soil, the organic matter content of the soil and even the drainage on the property, other services may be required. This may include adding draining systems, putting in environmentally friendly irrigation systems as well as applying fertilizer and managing the property for insects and disease in the plants.

The top commercial property lawn management services provide the full spectrum of care requirements throughout the year. They will provide a comprehensive scope of work document to outline what they will throughout the year to keep the property looking well-maintained.

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