Established Construction Companies Rebrand with Some New Artwork and Logos

by | Jul 4, 2024 | Marketing Agency


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During the middle part of the 20th century, it seemed like almost every company was electing to replace its old elaborate artwork with something based on simple line drawings. These looked extremely modern at the time, but their minimalistic charm now looks rather dated. As a result, many companies are having fresh artwork drawn that stands apart from either of these two older trends.

Property developers are opting for new types of construction logos that have an animated feel to them even though they’re every bit as static as corporate insignia icons have ever been. Most of these construction logos incorporate the name of the company they represent in some form or another, but they do so in a more creative way than classic minimalist designs would have. For instance, they might use what’s known as a word art technique to conform the name itself to a certain shape.

Some companies have elected to use throwback-style logos that look like something vintage, which have long been popular in other industries. Others are turning to designs inspired by other famous styles. Regardless of which choice a company elects to go with, however, everyone’s logos must be unique and look independent from everyone else’s. That helps consumers and potential construction site clients find firms that they’d like to work with. It also helps to increase brand recognition when someone sees a firm’s service marks on the side of a vehicle or emblazoned across a piece of equipment.

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