FAQs a Personal Injury Attorney in Queens County, NY Can Answer

by | Jan 15, 2018 | Lawyers


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In New York, lawsuits are filed each day due to different failures by property owners, manufacturers, and doctors. The cases identify how the defendant caused the victim’s injuries due to conditions that were avoidable. Under personal injury laws, claimants have the right to seek compensation for their injuries and related losses. A personal injury attorney in Queens County, NY can answer frequently asked questions concerning these events.

When Can Manufacturers Avoid a Lawsuit?

The manufacturer can avoid a lawsuit by remedying the conditions that caused an injury. However, the manufacturer must pay medical expenses for the victim and provide compensation. However, if multiple victims are injured, it is more likely that a class-action lawsuit will be filed.

Does the Consumer Rights Protection Agency Have Full Authority Over Consumer Injuries?

The Consumer Rights Protection Agency can take full authority over any instance in which consumers are injured using any product. The agency issues a recall for products that are considered dangerous for consumers. It can also hold manufacturers accountable for any and all injuries sustained while using their products.

Can Any Property Owner Face a Premise Liability Claim?

Yes, premise liabilities aren’t limited to commercial properties only. Residential property owners who fail to correct hazards in or around their home could face a lawsuit as well. The claims pertain to the hazardous conditions that caused the injuries, conditions that the owner was aware of and failed to correct.

When Do OSHA Regulations Apply in Personal Injury Cases?

OSHA regulations apply when workers are injured due to conditions that are deemed a violation of the federal laws. The claims are often managed through workers’ compensation policies. However, if the violations caused the injuries of a visitor, personal injury laws apply more specifically.

In New York, lawsuits result from failures to comply with state and federal personal injury laws. A defendant facing a lawsuit is held accountable if their indirect or direct actions contributed to the victim’s injuries. The cases pertain to medical treatment, falls, and the use of consumer-based products. Victims who need to hire a personal injury attorney in Queens County, NY can contact The Law Offices of Joseph J. Perrini, III or visit Website Domain right now.

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