In Massachusetts, consumers have the right to expect safe rental cars when they travel. However, if these vehicles aren’t serviced correctly, they could lead to accidents that cause serious injuries. Local attorneys are available to help victims of these accidents file Rental Claims in Greenfield MA.
The Accident Report
The accident report is a viable part of the case. It is a report generated by law enforcement officers after the accident. The officers investigate the accident to identify the driver who was at fault. However, some accidents aren’t as cut and dry. They require further investigations including assessments of the vehicle that produced the injuries.
When the consumer is injured due to a mechanical flaw, the rental company could be deemed at fault. These agencies are required to acquire routine maintenance for the vehicles and use high-quality parts to prevent accidents. If the source of the accident is a mechanical flaw, the court may rule in favor of the victim.
Gathering Medical Evidence
All medical records depicting the victim’s injuries are needed for the claim. These records show what produced the injuries and how severe they are. The judge must assess these records to define whether or not the vehicle in question was the underlying cause for the injuries.
Collecting Witnesses of the Accident
Law enforcement officers collect the names and contact information for all witnesses that saw the accident happen. These witnesses must appear in court when an accident claim is filed. They provide testimony about the events that caused the accident. They could define how the accident occurred and what party was at fault.
Avoiding Comparative Fault
In rental claims, the defendant may file a counterclaim that indicates the comparative fault. This indicates that the victim is also to blame. Under this ruling, the victim is guilty of traffic violations that contributed to the accident.
In Massachusetts, consumers have the right to expect safety when renting cars. These expectations are covered under local laws. When the victim becomes injured due to a failure or flaw, the rental provider is liable. Victims who need to file Rental Claims in Greenfield MA should contact Daniel and Fontaine LLC or their Twitter profile today.