Local Plumbing Contractors in Atlanta Talk Causes of Smelly Drains

by | Mar 13, 2023 | Plumbing


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According to local plumbing contractors in Atlanta, clogged drains and dry P-traps are two of the most common causes of a stinky shower or kitchen drain. The interaction of these components can produce the ideal habitat for the odor-producing bacteria to develop if you don’t frequently clear your drain out.

Clogged Drains

Plumbing contractors share that food particles can become trapped and begin to rot if your drain is plugged, which can be very unpleasant. Because of the putrid smell of this decaying waste, it will be challenging to use the kitchen sink. A plunger, an auger, or a drain snake can be utilized to unclog the drain successfully.

There are occasions when the stopper brings on the issue in the shower. It causes the drain to get clogged as it collects scum, hair, and other debris. These things, after some time, may start to give off an unpleasant stench. If this is the case, you can fix the issue by removing the stopper and cleaning it with a toothbrush and some hot water if you have an old toothbrush lying around.

Dry P-Traps

Local plumbing contractors in Atlanta say that if you don’t use your shower regularly, the water that’s supposed to be in the trap can dry up, causing a bad odor to spread throughout the room. You should inspect your P-trap if the smell of sewage permeates your bathroom thoroughly. The P-trap is a water-filled conduit in the shape of a U designed to prevent sewage gases from entering the shower after being flushed away. To rectify this problem, pour a small amount of water down the shower drain regularly, even while the shower is not in use. This will prevent smells from escaping the P-trap and ensure it remains filled.

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