Medical Negligence Lawyers in Casper, WY Can Help You Win Your Claim

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Attorney


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If you are filing a claim for medical negligence in Wyoming, you have two years from the date of an act, error, or omission to make a claim. If the medical negligence involved a small child, the claim must be made within two years or by the time the child turns eight years old, whichever of the two is later. If the act, error or omission is discovered during the second year of the limitations period, the period may be extended an additional six months.

Filing a Medical Malpractice Claims

According to medical negligence lawyers in Casper, WY, a claim for medical malpractice must be filed with the state’s Medical Review Panel, unless the following events occur:

  • Both parties have agreed to forego the medical panel review proceedings
  • The patient and medical provider have agreed to arbitrate the dispute

Medical negligence lawyers add that the claims process must follow specific steps. First, the patient submits a claim to the medical review panel that includes details of the negligence. Along with the claim, the patient submits a release authorization for their medical records. In turn, the health care provider must answer the claim within sixty days. If a response is not received, the patient can file a lawsuit in court.

Reviewing the Claim

The patient must also submit a signed document by a medical expert that supports the basis for the claim. In turn, the medical review panel decides if there is enough evidence to show that a medical provider is guilty of negligence and that the patient was injured as a result.

As you can see, the process is rather involved. That is why you need to contact medical negligence lawyers to discuss your case. Time is of the essence in this respect, as you want to make sure you are compensated as quickly as possible for your injuries.

Take Time to Review the Process Today

You can read more details about this type of claim when you go online and review the services provided by personal injury and medical negligence attorneys.

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