Reasons to Hire a Service for Sprinkler Winterization in Boulder, CO

by | Mar 12, 2020 | Landscaping


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You rely on your lawn’s sprinkler system to keep your grass green and flower bed, trees and shrubs healthy all summer long. As the growing season comes to an end, however, you no longer have need to keep the sprinkler heads and hoses free. You need to have them readied for the winter.

The actual process of preparing the system for the winter can take time and skills that you lack. You can instead hire a business that offers sprinkler winterization in Boulder, CO today.

Insulated Wrapping

One of the main services that the company can offer to you is insulating the system so that it survives the cold and brutal temperatures and snow that the area gets each winter. If you left the hoses, sprinkler heads and other fixtures exposed to the elements, they could suffer damages from expanding water. They can crack and break, rendering them useless next spring.

The service’s workers can wrap the sprinkler system in insulated tape to help keep the hoses, heads and other parts protected from the winter cold. They will work as needed when you turn them back on during the next growing season.

You can find out more about hiring a business for sprinkler winterization in Boulder, CO, online. To get more details about the service and the reasons to hire it for your lawn, you can go to visit us website and get information.

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