Residential Water Softeners in Slinger, WI End Dissolved Mineral Problems

by | Jun 18, 2024 | Water Softening


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Tap water in Slinger has a relatively high dissolved mineral content, explaining why many area residents decide to have a softener installed. The minerals don’t affect the safety of the water for consumption but do cause other problems. Residential water softeners in Slinger, WI can be installed by plumbers who help their clients dramatically reduce those minerals.

Hard Water Issues

Hard water is a common problem throughout the nation. Calcium and magnesium are usually the most prevalent minerals in municipal tap water. Household residents typically realize the water is too hard when they notice limescale accumulation around plumbing features. If nobody cleans these areas regularly with an acidic substance like vinegar or lemon juice, removing the scale may require scrubbing with a brush or leaving the solution on overnight.

Dissolved minerals also interfere with the ability of soap to lather. That leads people to use more hand and body soap, shampoo and laundry detergent.


Today’s computerized residential water softeners in Slinger, WI recharge after a specific number of gallons has been used. Previous versions of the computerized equipment were scheduled to recharge weekly at a certain day and time even if the system didn’t need to yet.

Routine Maintenance

The only routine maintenance homeowners must do involves adding sodium pellets to the salt tank. During recharging, the system makes brine with this sodium to rinse away minerals captured by resin beads in the adjacent tank. After each recharging, the beads gradually become so packed with minerals that they can no longer effectively capture more.

Details about Schaefer’s Soft Water can be viewed at

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