SSDI Attorneys in Naperville Won’t Give Up on You

by | Sep 19, 2024 | Lawyer And law Firm


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If you are someone who is unable to work due to health problems, you may think about hiring SSDI attorneys in Naperville to help out. Many people are unaware of the fact that they can collect Social Security disability benefits if it can be verified that they actually have health problems. If this is a current concern, set up an appointment with an attorney who will help you get started with the application process.

It is important to understand that this is quite often a lengthy process. Sometimes, it will take a couple of years to receive benefits. However, if you are approved, the government will pay the money that you would have received if you were approved right away. Basically, they are going to pay for every month that you waited to receive benefits. Of course, this doesn’t happen right away, so it may be necessary to move in with a friend or family member until benefits are awarded.

You are going to have to quit working before applying for benefits. After all, the state isn’t going to offer benefits to someone who is currently working. It is also important to be able to verify that there are serious health problems involved. This is something that your doctor will have to verify. It may be a good idea to talk with the doctor in advance to find out whether or not they are willing to verify that you are unable to work.

Generally, a doctor’s note is very valuable when it comes to being approved for benefits. Sometimes, it may be necessary to go to court to receive benefits. This is where you will go to court with SSDI attorneys in Naperville, and they will talk to the judge on your behalf and hopefully convince them to offer these benefits. If everything goes as planned, you may be able to start receiving benefits right away.

This can be a very confusing process, and it is definitely worth the money to hire an attorney to represent this case. Visit them either online or in person. It is very helpful to sit down and talk with someone who has knowledge regarding the Social Security disability application process. Learn more from Harold W. Conick & Associates, Ltd.

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