Three Reasons Why You Need to See an Eye Doctor in Jacksonville

by | Oct 25, 2021 | Optometrists


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Changes in eye health can be so subtle that you don’t even notice until an eye exam, which is why it’s so important to see your eye doctor regularly. It can be easy to forget to schedule an appointment, but here’s why you should make eye care in Jacksonville, FL, a priority.

You Need New Glasses

Whether your old pair of glasses broke or you’re simply looking to update your style, you should check in with your doctor before buying anything. You never know if your prescription has changed, and you may be wasting money if you need to replace them with an updated prescription later. Plus, they take measurements that help glasses fit better at the office during your appointment.

Your Vision Changed

If your vision has changed, it’s time to get your eyes checked out. An old prescription can keep you from operating at your best, and can even be dangerous in some cases. Sudden changes could also be indicative of more serious health problems.

Eye Pain and Headaches

Perhaps the most obvious reason to see an eye doctor is pain. Even if the issue isn’t imminently serious, eye strain can impact your long-term health and quality of life. Most people spend at least some time in front of a screen every day, so why not check in with your doctor to see how you can protect your eyes?

If you’re ready to seek comprehensive eye care in Jacksonville, FL, head to to learn more information.

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