Tips For Undergoing the Placement of a Dental Implant in Kona

by | Nov 2, 2016 | Dentist


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It can be incredibly exciting and scary when a person goes in for the placement of their Dental Implant in Kona. Dental implants offer patients the opportunity to replace their missing teeth with a permanent tooth that looks and functions like a natural human tooth would. Implants can be placed anywhere in the mouth, including the front. These artificial teeth allow a person to regain the confidence and chewing ability they lost when their tooth was lost.

It is important individuals are aware they will not feel any pain during the procedure for the placement of the Dental Implant in Kona. Patients are placed under local or general anesthesia, depending on how many implants are being put in place. Once thoroughly under the effects of anesthesia, a person should not feel any pain or discomfort, though they may feel some pressure from the dental tools that are used in the procedure.

The first step of replacing the missing tooth involves the placement of the titanium implant. This is implanted into the socket and down into the jawbone. Once the implant is in place, the dentist will secure it with a few stitches and the patient will be sent home to recover. The entire procedure can usually be done in around an hour, depending on the patient’s own unique needs. Click here for more details.

During the recovery process, individuals may feel some soreness in their jaw, but this is normally bearable with pain medication and ice. It is important a person follows their dentist’s instructions explicitly so they can be sure they recover properly. The recovery phase of the process is critical for success because this is the time period where the patient’s body begins to accept the implant and grow new bone around it. This process typically takes a few months.

Once bonding has taken place, the patient can receive their abutment and crown so their smile is made whole. If you would like to schedule an appointment to see if you are a good candidate for implants, contact the office of Carter S. Yokoyama D.D.S. You can also learn more by visiting visit us website. Call today so you can get started.

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