Not all of the grub control tools you can buy this spring will work. How to pick the right one for your yard and how to use it. You should make sure the problem is grubs before you do anything else. If you see an area of dead grass, use a shovel to take a few 2-inch-thick pieces of grass from around the area and look for grubs.
Here are some tips for choosing the best grub control for lawns in Louisville, KY.
Active Ingredient
There are so many products on the market that finding the best grub control for lawns in Louisville, KY, can be confusing. The main ingredient is the most important part of any grub control product. You’ll find many products for sale, and some have the same active ingredients. On most bags, the active ingredients are stated as a percentage of the whole on the bottom right or left of the front.
Preventive Products Are the Best
In the Spring, grubs can’t be controlled by products with imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, clothianidin, or chlorantraniliprole. These grub control products work great on newly hatched grubs that show up in July but not so well on big grubs that show up from September to May. Depending on the main ingredient, there are different times when it should be used.
It often says on the bag to use from May 15 to August 15, but they should be put on the ground and watered in June or July. If the herbicide is used in early spring, it might have moved through the soil or broken down in part by the time the grubs hatch in late July. Because they work best on small grubs, preventative items might not work if they are used too late.