Understanding Asbestos Legislation in Huddersfield and Surrounding Areas

by | Sep 23, 2015 | Construction and Maintenance


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Asbestos was once a commonly used material in home and business construction. It was used in everything from paints to adhesives to insulation. Once it became known that asbestos causes serious health risks, it was quickly removed as an ingredient in a number of products and strictly regulated in several countries. While it is no longer being produced like it once was, it can still be found in homes and buildings that are a bit older than others. Understanding the regulation to control this potentially hazardous material is important for homeowners, business owners, and property owners.

Some Things to Consider

One of the main factors of the regulation states that if asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are in good condition and not in a location where they can be easily damaged, they can remain within the building. Since health risks only arise if the airborne particles are inhaled, a solid and undamaged ACM is no risk to anyone in the area. As the owner of a property with ACM inside, it is your duty to inform maintenance workers, cable installers, or other visitors performing tasks on your property prior to them working in the area that asbestos is present in certain areas. Should the use of power tools damage the material containing asbestos, airborne particles can potentially cause serious consequences for you and the maintenance workers involved. Knowing your control limit is important. If ACM are disturbed and airborne particles are released, the control limit is 0.1 fibres per each cubic centimetre of air. Should it rise above that, immediate or emergency containment and removal services may be required. You can visit here to get more details.

Stay on Top of the Legislation Changes

Each year the legislation is reviewed and some areas are adjusted. Changes may arise as more health studies are done on the substance and its dangers to human health. Universities and health organizations are still not entirely sure how much exposure is too much, but it’s always in your best interest to keep asbestos contained and well under the control limit. Whether it’s your house, a warehouse, a public apartment complex, a shop, or a commercial office building, as a property owner your duty is to locate and identify the risk, and keep it as contained and minimal as possible to prevent health complications to yourself, your family, your occupants, employees, maintenance workers, and any public visitors that enter the building.

Stay up to date on asbestos legislation for Huddersfield and other areas to ensure you are compliant and safe. Contact ACS Health Safety & Environment. for additional information.

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