What Info Does Your Workers Comp Attorney in Burlington, VT Need from You?

by | Oct 5, 2015 | Lawyers


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Before a meeting with a workers comp attorney in Burlington, VT, there are several essential pieces of information that should be gathered; perhaps the most important of these are any reports of the accident. Most workplaces have a system for tracking injuries and filing incident reports, and every employee should have access to the reports about themselves. This report should have information about the circumstances surrounding the injury, including the date and time, and if available, many they can also include information like the exact area where it occurred, the people who were there to witness it, and the circumstances that may have been involved in the accident.

Because many workplaces have a rule that any injury on the job will warrant an automatic drug and alcohol test, the results of this test should be made available for the employee as soon as they are available. This information is also very useful to a workers’ compensation lawyer because it helps prove that the employee was in no way at fault for their own injury.

The employee who was injured should always make an attempt to keep their own personal record of the accident as well, which can be used to help flesh out incident reports from the employer and may help fill in the type of details that the employer’s report may omit. Most people who suffer from an on the job injury will need to get medical help, and these medical costs should all be tracked for the attorney. You can visit here to get more details.

Bring a copy of any and all medical bills, including prescription drug costs, to the attorney at the time of the first consultation. This gives the lawyer a chance to more accurately evaluate just how much there is in damages. In many cases, the medical treatment is ongoing, so the medical bills are not all available, but the attorney can continue to monitor medical bills in the future if this is the case. Most cases are not negotiated until treatment is complete. If you need to speak with an experienced workers’ comp attorney in Burlington, VT, consider contacting the local firm of McVeigh Skiff LLP.

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