What to Know About Storm Window Replacement in Concord, NH

by | Oct 5, 2023 | Business


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Damage from a storm to a window is not the hardest thing in the world to fix. Broken windows and torn screens are standard warning signs. But just because there are no obvious signs of damage does not mean that your windows were not hurt by the bad weather. Sometimes, the hints aren’t as clear, so you have to pay closer attention when deciding if you need a storm window replacement in Concord, NH.

Drafts and Panel Movement

Any window expert from a place such as Window World of New Hampshire will tell you that fast-moving hail can damage or destroy anything in its way. The same goes for a strong window frame. Even if you can’t see it because of the flow of the cool wind, you would feel it if any of the frames broke. Faulty action is another sign that the window frame is broken. If it’s hard to close some of your windows after a storm, check to see if the frames aren’t right.

Foggy Glass

Interior condensation means that a window isn’t as airtight as it used to be because moisture got in between the two panes of glass. Seal failure could be caused by old age, but it could also be caused by Mother Nature. Your old windows might not be able to stand up to the storm or gusts of wind. So if you see these signs, it’s best to look into storm window replacement in Concord, NH sooner rather than later.

For more information contact Window World of New Hampshire or visit windowworldnewhampshire.com

Address- 735 E Industrial Park Dr Unit A, Manchester, NH 03109, United States

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