What to Know Before You Buy Custom Swords

by | Aug 12, 2024 | Knives


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Few guys outgrew their love of light sabers. If you love fantasy-themed media, that’s also an excellent reason to invest in a sword. If you’re getting your first one, beware of buying mistakes.

Buying Based on Price Alone

Cheap options might seem the best for your wallet, but they’re worse for you in the long run. Poor-quality swords often last for only so long. Shop for affordable rates instead when you set out to buy custom swords. Those swords might cost more upfront. However, they last longer, giving you value for your money.

Not Knowing About Steel Types

When you buy custom swords, consider steel types. Stainless steel swords require little maintenance, so if that’s the type you want, put them on top of your list. However, if you want to feel what real swords are like, especially in battles, consider materials like carbon steel when you look for swords.

Ignoring the Balance

Before you buy custom swords, consider the balance. Does it work for you? You’ll want to check the sword’s weight, length, and other details. That way, you can be sure it’s what you want.

Not Being Flexible Enough

Some of the best blades are flexible enough. If you want to train with the blade, a flexible sword can help. Flexible swords are excellent for first-time sparring partners, because they inflict less damage.

Not Minding the Weight

You’ll have trouble controlling the trajectory of a heavy sword. Consider lightweight choices. Even a heavier option can feel lighter if the counterbalance is just right.

Not Considering Your Style

Aside from weight, your style is also a significant consideration. Some might be better off with a sword that’s light enough to swing with ease. But some styles and practices require a heavier blade. Whichever option suits you, Blade-City can help. Browse through our products today.

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