Why a Personal Injury Lawyer Is a Vital Asset for Every Slip and Fall Injury Case

by | Jul 6, 2021 | Lawyer


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Sustaining an injury is never a pleasant thing for anyone, but it can be especially frustrating knowing that the injury happened because of someone else’s carelessness. Often, worries about medical bills and lost wages incurred after their injury lead victims to file a personal injury lawsuit against the business in an effort to recoup the money they’ve lost. While this can be a viable plan, it should never be carried out without assistance from an experienced attorney. There are several reasons why a lawyer is needed in these cases.

Proof Will Be Required

Many slip and fall victims believe that if their injuries are obvious enough that they will automatically win their case in court. Unfortunately, things just won’t be that easy for them. Instead, the law states that victims must prove that:

* The business owner and their employees had an obligation to them to be more careful.

* That obligation was ignored.

* The victim suffered an injury as a direct result of that negligence.

* The victim incurred damages as a direct result of that injury.

Without evidence of these four things in place, the victim is likely to walk away empty-handed. However, a skilled personal injury lawyer near Newark, knows how to prove negligence in court and help the victim win the case even when the business owner claims that they didn’t know about the hazard or didn’t have sufficient time to remedy the problem.

Attorneys Have Experience

Dealing with an insurance company can be intimidating and confusing. While a victim simply wants to get the money they need, the insurer is looking to save as much money as possible. Hiring a personal injury lawyer near Newark allows the victim to have someone negotiating for a fair settlement on their behalf. Because they have experience with this process, an attorney won’t feel pressured by the insurer to settle for an amount much lower than the case is truly worth.

Personal injury lawsuits are serious business, as the outcome determines whether or not the victim continues to struggle to get care and meet their basic needs. With so much on the line, it’s in a victim’s best interest to get help from the legal team at Kreizer Law.

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