Many people are under the impression that should they become physically or mentally disabled they will automatically be given disability benefits through Social Security, unfortunately, these people are often disappointed. About three quarters of all applications for benefits are denied and the applicant has to appeal the decision. At this stage of the process it is a good idea to have hired disability lawyers in Oak Ridge to handle the appeals process on your behalf.
As the legal fees are paid directly to the lawyer once the case has resulted in approval for benefits, lawyers are justifiably keen on trying to determine in advance what the chance of success is. If, based on experience, the lawyer feels the case has little chance of success, do not be surprised when he or she declines the invitation to represent you.
How does the attorney prepare you for the hearing?
Social Security re concerned with two things;
* What functional limitations do you have?
* Do these limitations rule out doing any substantial work for financial gain?
These issues are what disability lawyers in Oak Ridge focus on.
Although a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge is the second stage in the appeals process, chances of being approved at the first stage, a review of the initial application, are remote. The greatest number of initial denials of benefits is overturned during a hearing.
Prior to the hearing date, your lawyers will have ensured that the ALJ has received copies of your most current medical reports. Disability lawyers have a great deal of experience dealing with these situations, they have a good idea of what to expect and what questions the ALJ will ask. Prior to the hearing, your lawyers will first of all impress upon you the need for absolute honesty, without it your lawyers will be less than effective when representing you in the hearing.
Your disability lawyers in Oak Ridge will argue that your disability meets the guidelines as set out by Social Security, that you are incapable of doing the work you once did and prove that your disability is such that you cannot work at all.
Getting approved for disability benefits is not easy but the chances of being approved are far greater when you are represented by seasoned disability lawyers in Oak Ridge. You are welcome to discuss your case with the Law Offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C.