Mistakes to Avoid When Applying for Disability Benefits in Kent County

by | Nov 10, 2016 | legal services


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The SSD (Social Security disability) claims process is complex and difficult, and most claimants cannot understand the range of regulations, procedures, and standards. Although lawyers often tell clients how to maximize their chances of success, many times legitimate claims are denied because of simple errors. Below are several mistakes people make when filing for disability which can reduce or eliminate their chances of an award.

Delaying Application

The sooner a person applies for Disability Benefits in Kent County after leaving the workforce, the better they can protect their eligibility period. Waiting too long may result in loss of insured status, which means that the claim would be denied because of a lack of credits. Although some may qualify under the SSI (Supplemental Security Income) program, they must meet stringent financial requirements.

Not Providing All Necessary Information

In many cases, Disability Benefits in Kent County are denied when the SSA lacks all the information needed to evaluate a claim. First, the client should list all their doctors’ contact information in the initial application. It’s important for clients to furnish this information in the beginning, as the SSA will not search for it alone. Second, the client should list all medical conditions, regardless of severity. The SSA must consider the combined effect of a claimant’s conditions to determine disability.

Focusing too Heavily on Illnesses

While the location is important to a real estate agent, limitations are important to disability attorneys. Clients should be specific as to the mental and physical limitations they’re experiencing because of a disabling medical condition. By focusing on diminished quality of life as well as the condition itself, clients can offer the SSA a more complete picture of the situation.

Not Making the Most of Available Time

While it is true that claims can take a wile from application to adjudication, clients should do their best to use this time to their advantage. An attorney can use this time to develop the claim and find ways to bolster weak areas. With a little work and some research, a lawyer with Bleakley Law Offices P C can make an initially weak claim into a strong one by the time the case goes before a judge.

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