The Importance of Hiring an Experienced Accident Injury Attorney

by | Sep 29, 2015 | Accident Attorney


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Most accident cases involve negligence. Negligence occurs when a person fails to exercise a reasonable amount of care thereby injuring other people. To prove negligence, an accident injury attorney must show four separate things: the duty of care, breach of duty, direct cause and harm. The duty of care means that the faulty party failed to act responsibly to avoid putting the victim at risk. Breach of duty occurs when the opposite party knowingly exposes the plaintiff to a substantial amount of risk. Direct cause means that the deliberate actions of the opposite party caused the injury. Harm means that the plaintiff incurred a financial loss because of the fault of the opposite party.

To prove the four forms of negligence successfully, the injury attorney will first review the details of the accident. Depending on the available information, the lawyer may launch an investigation to gather enough evidence that proves that the other party acted carelessly or violated traffic laws. To prevail in these types of accident cases, the lawyer will show that the defendant did not meet the standard of care, and this negligence, caused the crash while the breach of duty, resulted in the victim’s injuries. Potential defendants in a negligence lawsuit, include intoxicated drivers, reckless driver, pedestrians or bicyclists.

When seeking compensation for damages caused by the accident, the lawyer will first approach the opposite party’s insurance firm. They will submit the claim for approval to the insurance firm, which will have carried out its own investigation. The strength and success of the claim will largely depend on the lawyer’s ability to collect, analyse and present evidence. The at-fault party’s insurance company will want to reduce the amount they pay out as compensation. If the lawyer and the at-fault party’s insurance firm cannot reach a settlement, the attorney will proceed to trial.

Hiring a competent Accident Injury attorney can help to increase the odds of receiving the rightful amount of compensation. It is recommendable to contact an injury lawyer immediately after an accident to avoid falling behind the statute of limitations for filing an accident cases. For additional about accident case and how to contact a reputable accident attorney, visit domain URL.

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