Tips for Choosing the Right Food for Pets in Folsom, CA

by | Feb 20, 2017 | Pets


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Just like humans, pets like to sit back and enjoy a great meal. While their food may look a little different, it’s still important that it tastes good and contains high-quality ingredients. Because most pet parents aren’t planning to sit down and try out the food offered to their Pets in Folsom CA, here are a couple of tips for choosing the right food for your dog.

Consider a Pet’s Age, Weight, and Activity Level

Puppies need different nutrients than pets of an older age. It’s important the food fed to pets in Folsom CA matches their dietary needs. Not all foods are created equal even if they all come from the same brand. Instead, look for foods that cater to the needs of a pet. Take this or her age into consideration. Also, think about weight. Dogs that are overweight may need specialized food to help them lose excess weight. Just like humans, weight gain can cause some health problems.

Check for the Words “Complete and Balanced”

There are lots of advertising ploys to get pet owners to purchase certain types of foods for their dogs. But the phrase “complete and balanced” is more than just a way to get owners to pick up a bag or can of the food. These types of foods must contain certain levels of specific ingredients that help to create a balanced meal for a pet. While there is still room for different variations of ingredients, it is necessary that certain requirements be met to mark a food complete and balanced. To find foods that meet this requirement, check out Lees Feed And Western Store.

Take Serving Size Into Consideration

After finding the right food for a pet, make sure to read the directions and think about the serving size that is offered each and every day. Obesity is an issue for many dogs, especially those that are not partaking in a lot of activity during the day. Be sure to only feed the dog the amount recommended. Dogs will not always stop themselves when they’ve had what they need. Instead, if the food is out and available, they will go ahead and keep eating.

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