Video Conferencing and Depositions: Why This Communication Tool Matters

by | Aug 20, 2019 | Business


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Anyone who has ever taken part in a deposition knows the event involves legal counsel asking questions, a witness who provides answers, and a court reporter who transcribes the proceedings. In recent years, the use of Video Conferencing as a means of creating a permanent record of a deposition has become more common. Here are some of the benefits that come with utilising this type of tool for such a gathering.

The Demeanor of All Participants

While traditional methods are fine for capturing the spoken word, they do not provide much in the way of insight into tone, body language, and other aspects of the questioning. By utilising Communication Tools like Video Conferencing as a means of capturing facial expressions and even how the words are spoken, it is much easier to understand the context in which responses occur. Those little things can go a long way in evaluating the conduct of everyone involved and determining if there is the need to pursue additional questions at a later date.

Reducing Expenses Associated with Depositions

While, in many cases, everyone involved will live in the same city, there are situations where bringing the parties together via a video conference makes sense. Perhaps the witness is out of town on a business trip. Rather than delaying the deposition until the party returns, it is easy enough to establish site certification at a conference room near the witness and proceed with the interview. The result is that the task is done sooner rather than later, and everyone can move forward with their role in the case.

Keep in mind that if the witness happens to be housebound for some reason, modern video conference approaches do allow for the use of web-based connections. This means the party can use online resources to connect with the legal counsel and a complete recording of the session can be made. In this and other scenarios, time and money are saved over attempting to use older methods.
For more ideas on how to make use of a video conference as part of the preparation for a case, talk with the team at Business Name. today. After hearing about all the benefits, choosing this approach will certainly be worth pursuing.

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