5 Tips for Improving Your Demand Forecasting Accuracy

by | Jul 24, 2019 | Software Company


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Being able to accurately estimate products needed during a specific time frame is crucial for the manufacturing industry. Improving accuracy is essential so you can meet the expectations of the supply chain. Here are five tips to help improve the accuracy of demand forecasting.

Determine Starting Values

Assuming the starting values is essential in order to get your statistical values. They are then communicated and analyzed. Starting values will determine your forecast quality. Estimate your number of buyers, consumers who will buy, when they will buy and when they will repeat the purchase. These elements are crucial to validate the assumptions before you begin the forecasting process.

Range of Forecast

Production facilities produce a range of forecast to get a broad perspective on the demand plan. This helps with frequent recalculations and allows it to consider past market conditions and future probabilities. Daily demand plans can use historical data to sense future demands more accurately.

Minimize Delays

Delays often occur when the market demand isn’t met by the supply chain. This can have a negative impact on forecast accuracy. Integrating a demand-supply planning process can be beneficial for minimizing delays by responding to market trends quickly and effectively.

Use Various Methods to Forecast

By using numerous forecasting methods, you’ll be able to leverage market and historical data. Choose durable and effective models for your specific market. Then, blend the best features, shifting between them to reach the most accurate forecast. Using a variety of methods is beneficial for improving demand forecasting and planning.

Integrate Supply-Demand Planning

Accurate demand forecasting is essential for supply chain management. Improving accuracy means employing various models and obtaining data from different sources. Being able to pull data together and share a forecast model is valuable for the entire supply chain.

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