An excellent credit rating is something that is very difficult to maintain. Most people experience financial problems at some point, and this has a negative impact on their credit score. It is hard to get a traditional loan approved when the applicant has bad credit. There are loan alternatives that help those with poor credit obtain a short-term loan. Cash 2 U offers a lightening fast loan approval process, and this is important if the applicant is in a financial bind. A car title loan doesn’t require a credit check, and this means that more people become approved for this type of loan.
The loan requirements are simple and to the point. The applicant has to be a Florida resident with a valid Florida driver’s license and a Florida car title. They need to show proof of income, proof of residency, proof of insurance and a current phone or cell phone bill. The car needs to be a 2004 model or newer with less than 130,000 miles driven on it. The car needs to be free of other liens and in good working condition. The amount of the loan can be up to $3000.00. This loan provider offers a one-hour loan approval process.
It is very convenient to complete a loan application online or in person. The website is available at . The site explains the process and provides more information about the lender. The loan is to be repaid within a one-year period, and there are no prepayment penalties to worry about. There is no application fee or no credit check, and same-day funding is available. This makes it very convenient for the applicant to receive their money very quickly.
This type of loan is designed to assist those with less than stellar credit scores. It offers a simple process and a fast approval. This type of loan is perfect for those who are in a financial bind. Many people like that they can repay the loan back in one year. This means low monthly payments and no long-term commitments to worry about. It is easy to see why these loans are becoming so popular.