Even luxury brands need a standard in which to strive. The Montecristo cigar is the cigar that exceeds expectations with a medium to full-bodied appeal. The sweet aroma gives a magnificent smoking experience of tropical proportions that are finely balanced. It is easy to recite that Montecristo cigars are some of the most popular cigars in the world, since they come with a rich reputation and history that has set the standards for cigars the world over. While these amazing cigars originated in Cuba, they are now manufactured in the Tabacalera de Garcia factory located in the Dominican Republic. Today they offer several different blends of tobacco for their selection of premium cigars.
The Reputable Elements of a Montecristo Cigar
The Montecristo cigar starts with a wrapper that is hand-selected and shade grown in Connecticut. Each cigar is rolled with fillers and binders that are richly Dominican. The quality of these cigars is beyond recognition since they are each given personal attention, and hand-rolled to guarantee their excellence. When you are looking for a well-rounded smoke, a Montecristo is known to be satisfyingly smooth with a slight tropical essence. They are easy to burn and will fast become a favorite of cigar enthusiasts. If you have never smoked one before, it is time you sat back and savored every draw of this luxurious cigar.
Affordable and Superior Cigars
The Montecristo cigar is an exquisite smoke that is superior as well as affordable. This helps them maintain their position as being one of the cigars known to be the finest in the world. From the moment you unwrap your first Montecristo and experience the aroma, you will be hooked. Once you light it and enjoy your first draw, you will want to add this superb cigar to your cigar smoking routine. Make sure you have enough on hand to share with family and friends too.
Enjoy Your Cigar to the Utmost
When you set yourself apart from other cigar smokers by smoking a Montecristo, you may find that you find yourself with a whole new mindset. There is something about holding a thick cigar in your grip that just makes the world feel like a better place. You may wonder if it is better to remove the band of a cigar before smoking it. Of course you can do exactly what you wish since there is no correct answer. However, the Montecristo band is rather handsome, and you may actually damage your cigar if you try to take it off before the glue beneath that band has been warmed while smoking. The best advice is to smoke your Montecristo until you feel the cigar is warm beneath the band, then easily slide it from your cigar with no damage to it.