Finding a Balance Between Dementia and Quality of Life Through Proper Care

by | Jun 6, 2024 | Senior Living


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Dementia can be a worrisome prospect for everyone involved, whether you’re contemplating your condition or worrying about how family members will deal with it. But that worry is often necessitated simply because people mistakenly believe they’re facing dementia alone. In reality, there are many effective strategies to ensure people can maintain their dignity and quality of life even when up against dementia. The caveat is that this isn’t a process people face alone. Rather, effective dementia care in Westchester, NY involves becoming part of a larger community.

In fact, dementia care in Westchester, NY often takes the form of lifelong learning and mentorship. Dementia is often seen as an end. But, in reality, it’s one stage in life. And where there’s life and community, there’s always potential to find and share experiences with others. This also helps to keep people more mentally alert while facing the issues related to dementia. The most effective dementia care isn’t something merely given to a recipient. Instead, dementia care is about communication between people. It’s family, friends, and healthcare professionals all coming together in care facilities to celebrate someone’s life and accomplishments. Basically, lifelong learning. Not simply in the context of book learning, telling stories or listening to them. But rather an active process where seniors, staff, and loved ones are all a part of the experience. It’s in such environments that people retain quality of life. You can schedule an appointment to learn more through Broadview–Senior Living at Purchase College at

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