Don’t Ignore These Signs That You Need Boiler Repair in Schaumburg, IL

by | Jul 17, 2024 | Heating and Cooling


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Boilers produce heat throughout buildings using a system of radiators and circulating hot water. As your boiler gets older, various components may need repairs. If you address the repairs early, you can prevent advanced wear and tear. Stay alert for these signs that you need boiler repair in Schaumburg, IL.

Heating Problems

You may not notice a problem until there’s a problem with the heat in the building. In some cases, the heat will be intermittent or not reach a particular area of your home. Other times, the heat won’t turn on at all. Take note of these details so that you can inform the repair technician. The technician will diagnose the problem and provide the best solutions. 


Since boilers operate using water, there’s a relatively high chance of leaks developing throughout the piping. If a leak does develop, it can prevent the hot water from getting to certain areas of your home. It can also cause water damage in your home, which can lead to expensive repairs in addition to your boiler repair. Your repair technician can repair the leak by replacing the damaged piping.

Lack of Maintenance

Boilers can last well over 30 years when maintained properly. It’s best to get maintenance at least once a year on your boiler to prevent it from becoming clogged with sediment buildup and other debris. As this material accumulates inside your boiler system, it can impact the internal components and impede water flow.

If you need boiler repair in Schaumburg, IL, contact Residential Heating & Cooling today!

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