Advanced Beauty Courses Teach Cosmetologists to Perform Microdermabrasion Therapy

by | Apr 4, 2017 | Salons and Spas


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Advanced Beauty Courses at a school of cosmetology generally are intended for licensed professionals who want to acquire new skills and who need continuing education credits. A wide variety of subjects is taught in these courses, such as microdermabrasion, eyelash extensions and spray tanning. These types of services are typically not offered during the initial coursework and practice required for licensing as a cosmetologist. A great deal of time is necessary to master expertise in the more basic skills, so cosmetologists benefit from pursuing additional education as their career progresses.

Microdermabrasion is an exfoliation method that is more effective than methods that can be accomplished with over-the-counter products at home. The practitioner sprays tiny crystals onto the client’s skin, then applies an abrasive instrument to the skin. Essentially, it’s like gently sanding the face and removing the outer layer of skin cells. The effect rejuvenates the skin and helps the person look younger.

Microdermabrasion, as taught during Advanced Beauty Courses, can be used to smooth skin texture and tone. Many people are dismayed by the uneven pigmentation on the face caused by exposure to ultraviolet light over the years, and they are gratified to learn that this exfoliation therapy is useful. Microdermabrasion also decreases the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. It’s helpful for people who are afflicted by blackheads and other types of pimples. The technique also smoothes skin that has been affected by acne scarring to a certain extent.

Interestingly, this strategy stimulates collagen and elastin production in the skin. Those substances are generated naturally in younger people, but this decreases with aging. A lack of collagen and elastin causes thinner-looking, sagging skin. Being able to replenish these natural materials is a significant advantage of this therapy.

For all these reasons, many people seek microdermabrasion treatment at cosmetology practices. Licensed professionals who would like to offer the service may complete coursework at a school like South Hills Beauty Academy and add it to their repertoire. Since their clientele must have this treatment performed on an occasional basis to maintain results, there will be an ongoing need for the service. You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.

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