Frequently Asked Questions About A Gas Fireplace Maintenance Company

by | Jan 20, 2025 | Fireplaces


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To stay warm in the winter months, many homeowners choose to install a gas fireplace in their home. Before turning on the gas fireplace for the first time each year, homeowners should contact a qualified Fireplace Maintenance Company to ensure that it runs efficiently and safely. Read the frequently asked questions below to learn more about gas fireplace maintenance in Aurora, CO.

What can homeowners expect when a technician performs maintenance on a gas fireplace?

The technician will begin by turning off the valve that’s connected to the gas, the igniter, and the pilot light. Next, the technician will remove the insert and clean it thoroughly. While cleaning the insert, the technician will inspect it for any type of damage, such as cracks or areas that appear worn. The technician will then thoroughly clean and vacuum the firebox and remove any dust or debris. The next step is inspecting the connections, valves, and lines. If there is any wear or cracks in these components, they’ll have to be replaced. Before concluding the maintenance check, the technician will inspect the chimney and the flue. Finally, the technician will turn the gas fireplace on to make sure that it’s working properly.

Can homeowners do their own maintenance on a gas fireplace or should they hire a professional?

Some homeowners do perform some of their own maintenance and cleaning, such as wiping off the insert, vacuuming out the firebox and cleaning the glass doors. Due to safety concerns, only a qualified maintenance technician or an inspector should check the gas lines, igniter, and valves. An inspector will also check for gas leaks, which is of major importance. The chimney and flue inspection should also be performed by qualified personnel as it’s imperative to have repairs done if there are any cracked or broken bricks. Some homeowners take advantage of annual maintenance programs that are offered by a Fireplace Maintenance Company. When enrolled in this type of annual program, homeowners will be eligible for special savings.

For a complete gas fireplace maintenance check by certified technicians, contact Elevations Home Repair & Maintenance, Inc. This company also cleans, repairs and installs gas fireplaces.

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