Getting an HECM? A Checklist of Great Tips

by | Jul 29, 2016 | Financial Services


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Taking out a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage can save the day. Need a few tips to help you get started? Take a good look at this checklist.

Have Enough Funds

This can come as quite an expense, so make sure that you have enough funds. With fees, interest rates, and a bevy of associated costs, your budget should stretch to make room for all of those, along with your living expenses.

Use Your Money Wisely

Anyone who meets the requirements set out for HECM reverse mortgages can take out the loan, but be wise about what you’re spending money on. You wouldn’t want to find yourself cash-strapped in under a few months, with your home equity gone.

Know the Limitations

HECMs are great if you have to pay for a huge expense and have only your home equity to fall back on, but it’s not the right financial tool for everyone. Know its limitations to see if it’s a good choice for you or not.

Name the Loan Correctly

Make sure you and your spouse are both named in the loan, says Forbes. Otherwise, if your spouse passes on, that could leave you worrying about how to pay for all the interest and costs just so you won’t lose your home.

Meet Conditions

This loan comes with specific conditions. Are you sure you won’t be moving anywhere else? Are you financially capable? If you think you meet the conditions perfectly, then go ahead. But if you worry about meeting those conditions, or have doubts about whether you can keep up with the property taxes or other fees in the long run, then it might be better to explore other options.

Know these tips by heart. That way, you’re in a much better position to know if going with a home equity conversion mortgage is an advantage for you or not. Browse the website for more information.

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