There are several ways people can get cash fast in an emergency. They can borrow the money from a friend or family member, get an advance on a credit card, or apply for an alternative loan. That can be a payday loan, a short-term loan, or an installment loan. All those options have a high-interest rate, and strict terms and conditions. The advantage is that there are no credit checks, approval is same-day, and those with less than ideal credit can get the money they need when they need it. There is another way to get fast cash that is available to vehicle owners.
Cash 2 U provides fast cash via car title loans. A loan is provided in exchange for the title to the applicant’s vehicle. The amount of money loaned is based on the value of the car, up to a limit of three-thousand dollars. Once the loan is paid back, along with interest, the title is returned. Most companies that provide this type of loan requires the vehicle is surrendered as well. Cash 2 U allows clients to keep full use of the vehicle during the loan period. That makes it easier to get back and forth to work, run errands, and go to the grocery store. The twist opens up the possibility to those who live in areas where no public transportation. It is also possible for families with only one car to take advantage of a title loan if absolutely necessary. Consider this loan carefully because non-payment means the loss of the vehicle. All other avenues should be explored fully before applying for a title loan.
If an applicant chooses to pursue a title loan, having all the required paperwork completed and available will expedite the process. The application can be downloaded at . Other paperwork needed for approval is a title that is free and clear. That means there are no other liens on the title. A valid driver’s license, an updated insurance card, a phone bill, proof of income, and proof of residency is also required. The vehicle will be appraised to determine the value, and most approvals are granted within one hour of submitting all the necessary documents. The loan has to be paid off in one year to get the title back. All terms, conditions and interest rates will be explained clearly prior to signing the loan agreement.