How to Take Care of Your Elderly Parents on a Trip

by | Jun 11, 2018 | Health


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Traveling with elderly parents can be a bit of a challenge. Read on to know how you can take better care of your senior loved ones.

Wear loose clothing

Wear something you’re comfortable with. Insist that your parents do the same. Loose clothing can lower the risk of heat stroke as well as high blood pressure and hypertension, USA Today says. You and your parents will both be comfortable.

Stay hydrated

Planning on walking around a lot? Then make sure your parents stay hydrated. You’ll want to keep a water bottle handy. Drinking lots of water will prevent dehydration, which could cause fatigue and lead their blood sugar levels to drop. That’s the last thing you want to happen.

Bring along their medication

Don’t forget to pack their medication. If they did it, check it for them to make sure they didn’t miss anything. Have a hard time tracking the schedule for their medication? Make a schedule of your own so you know if it’s time for them to get another dosage in or not.

Get medical assistance

If you have your hands full dealing with the luggage and trip details, then it may be a good idea to hire a certified flight registered nurse to look after your parents. That’s going to give you a bit of time to yourself, allowing you to rest a bit and not have to worry every minute about your elderly parents.

Hire the right one

If you take care of your parents all the time, engaging the services of a certified flight registered nurse can give you the breather and break you need. A few hours to yourself during the flight can give you peace of mind. Take a break, sleep or catch a movie. You’ll feel refreshed and able to serve your parents’ needs better after that.

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