Need an Oilfield Accident Lawyer in Lubbock, Texas?

by | Apr 23, 2019 | Accident Attorney


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Multiple injuries and deaths occur annually due to oilfield accidents. Victims should meet with an . Make sure your rights are protected. Most of these cases are handled under workers’ compensation. However, third parties can be liable as well.

Equipment Failure

Drill sites use a lot of heavy equipment. Heavy equipment is used for drilling, pulling rock and mixing mud. Improper training results in many injuries. Unfortunately, many companies take training shortcuts, which puts everyone at risk. Likewise, many accidents are attributed to equipment failure.

Equipment is supposed to be inspected to make sure it’s maintained properly. Moreover, equipment can fail due to manufacturing defects. An oilfield accident lawyer in Lubbock, TX files these claims under workers’ compensation. However, claims will be made against manufacturers of defective equipment.

Oilfields Are Dangerous Places

Fires and explosions are always possible when a job involves combustible substances. Wells, trucks and heavy equipment harbor dangerous fumes that may ignite. Furthermore, pressure buildup is a threat to oil wells. Unfortunately, workers are likely to receive serious or fatal burns in the event of an explosion.

OSHA investigates many oil field injuries including those caused by a blowout. Blowouts occur when pressure containment systems fail. The result is uncontrolled oil release often resulting in explosions and fires. It’s beneficial to have a lawyer in these cases because OSHA investigations take years. A lawyer makes sure the investigation is handled properly so the client can be compensated.

Other Oilfield Hazards

Hydraulic fracking is widely practiced in the oil industry. It involves using pressurized water and bores to crack rock formations. Accidents can easily happen when pressure is involved. Additionally, vehicle accidents are common in oilfields. There are several reasons for these accidents including driver fatigue, intoxication and overloaded vehicles.

Workers often access platforms high above the ground. OSHA requires that these working surfaces are safe. Nonetheless, slips and falls happen, and sadly, some may be fatal. If that’s the case, the attorney files a wrongful death claim. Also, the victim’s family may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits. For more information, contact Kyra K. Blankenship Attorney.

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