Notable Facts and Figures Regarding Pediatric Dental Care in Vancouver, WA

by | Aug 13, 2018 | Dental Care


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The first pediatric dental care centers came about during the early 1900s, but it wasn’t until the late 50s that more than half of school-age children began to make routine visits to their local dental offices.

In this regard, it’s important to note that pediatric dental care is still widely overlooked and disregarded as unnecessary or unwarranted, which is why we’ve created this brief write-up to stress the inherent importance of preadolescent oral healthcare.

The Startling State of Children’s Teeth

In order to wrap your head around why proper pediatric dental care is a fundamental responsibility, you have to consider the deteriorating condition of children’s oral hygiene nowadays:

  • Researchers from the ADA have ascertained that one in every two children will begin to struggle with extensive tooth decay before reaching his or her fifth birthday.
  • Believe it or not, US children miss out on more than 40 million hours of scholastic education due to detrimental oral disorders that necessitate immediate attention. Oftentimes, kids have to miss out on multiple days of school at a time.
  • Nearly four in every five children will have at least one cavity by the time they obtain a driver’s license, and this trend has actually worsened since the 1999.
  • Due to the fact that preadolescent digestive and immune systems are underdeveloped, the microbes and germs that thrive in their mouths can cause intestinal distress, sleeplessness, periodontitis, and other adverse conditions.

The ADA also found that if you enroll your child into a pediatric dental care in Vancouver, WA program before the age of five, you’ll be able to decrease your ongoing dental expenditures by 40%, which will allow you to save thousands of dollars by the time he or she heads off to college.

Which Facility Has the Best Reviews and Testimonials?

If you’d like to ensure a healthy, happy lifestyle for your precious youngster, be sure to visit Lewis Family Dentistry for an introductory meeting with one of the compassionate specialists.

Even if your child has anxiety or nervousness, the experts will be able to quell his or her apprehensions, so don’t procrastinate, and get the cost-effective care your family deserves as soon as possible. You can also connect them on Facebook.

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